I love experimenting with design, and culture. This is the first post, in a series of free giveaway-design posts, that makes design resources like logos, etc. available under the Free Cultural Works theme from Creative Commons.

BY indefiniteloop

While pinning some nice logo designs, other creative ideas, and stuff, I thought of releasing some logo artwork free to use by anyone who’d want to. Which, in turn led to this first-of-logo-giveaway post. 

Today’s free design resource is a logo, based on the word “Play”. Its a random thought, converted into a logo design, and made available to anyone willing to use it. 


Download Free Logo - Play by Indefiniteloop.com

This logo can be used for any organization, artwork, digital work, anything et al. It’s available as a png, jpg, a sketch, and an ai file. 

You are free to use this logo as you see fit; you can adapt it anyhow, and use it commercially if you’d like to. It is licensed as Free Cultural Work under Creative  Commons. 

Download The Play Logo For Free

You can download the logo work files from github.

Download Free Logo - Play

If you are using this for anything, I’d love to know, and share your usage on Instagram, Twitter, and maybe as a post out on here. Just leave a comment below, linking to your work or send me a tweet.

Creative Commons License
Play Logo Template by indefiniteloop.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://indefiniteloop.com/blog/design

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