I am happy to introduce you guys to Minelienda. A free, minimalistic, full width, fluid grid, responsive tumblr theme.
Minelienda started as something personal to use for my blogs. I have several blogs on tumblr, all started recently when I switched over from designerfoo™ to sojourner.co. Read more about that here.
While hunting for themes, both free and premium, I was unable to find one that offered me everything I needed for all of my new blogs on tumblr. That’s when I decided to create a theme that could offer me what I needed.
The result is Minelienda.
- 500px and Instagram integration.
- Minimalistic, even with every feature turned on.
- A sidebar for some of my blogs.
- Blogs I Follow and Posts I like for my primary blog.
- For some blogs I wanted the theme to not have anything but the content.
- For some blogs I wanted a content slider, which allowed me to either highlight content on the same blog or any other site/blog I would like to bring to the attention of my readers.
- I needed some of the text posts to have a fullwidth image at the top of the post.
- The theme would be consistent in terms of look and feel even with/without the sidebar and/or the footer area and/or the content slider and across all devices.
- Tag based navigation on some blogs.
- Easy to add custom content into the sidebar.
- Full and fluid width design.
- It would be consistent but somehow yet different.
- Code highlighting.
- More about the features here.