I have been long since wanting to design a logo for sojourner.co. Right from the day I booked the domain name.
Finally, I sat myself down and got it done.
Previous Iteration(s):
[Updated - The above iteration was worked upon receiving a suggestion from Dan Langendorf & Rahul Lewis. The Below iteration is based on their suggestions. Thank you Dan & Rahul! I think I like the new iteration too!]
New Iteration(s):
Color version.
White on Black version.
Black on White and Grey on White version.
The logo represents the following:
- The ’S’ of Sojourner.
- If you tilt the logo at 90 degrees CCW it becomes ‘.co’
- It’s an incomplete infinity symbol.
- It is supposed to be depicting water because there should always be Momentum. Momentum is a vector quantity, always having a direction and a magnitude (velocity).
- The ‘dot’ on the top is represents my head. Hahahaha.
- The ’S’ or the incomplete infinity symbol represents my body and soul.
- The lower half of the ’S’ or the incomplete infinity symbol is a water wheel. The water wheel represents my Feet. The water wheel also represents a Compass. Since, as stated above, momentum is a vector possesing a direction (the compass) and a magnitude[velocity] (the wheel that makes the water churn up).
- The upper half is my upper body.
I am thinking of not making business cards but rather making a stamp from this etsy store. This will allow me stamp everything I can lay my hands on.
Let me know what you think?