I have a set routine for public/blog writing. This routine came into being recently, when I started writing one post a day and I have maintained this routine so far. I usually start to write about 10:00 PM IST. This goes on ‘till 12:00 AM IST. This is after the day’s work is almost done. This gives me a break from work and enables me to get back to work fresh. I am awake EST hours, working offshore from India. Not a freelancer, but a tech lead for a private firm in FL.
A photo posted by Sojourner (@sojourner.co) on Jan 1, 2015 at 2:21pm PST
Writing at the cafe around the corner.
Most days I will be writing from a cafe around the corner, from where I live. A good cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate, some nice music playing on Spotify or at the cafe and Desk, works for me. This here is also the “me” time I wrote about here.
A photo posted by Sojourner (@sojourner.co) on Oct 10, 2014 at 11:27pm PDT
Some of my writing is done at my desk.
Some days I will sit at my desk, either not feeling upto going to the cafe or having more work than usual to finish. This enables me to finish my writing and save some time w.r.t to the commute and the whole cafe experience of ordering and paying, etc.
Some days I will stay in bed with a laptop stand around my feet and write. This is reserved for tiring days. Days when no work is to follow and I am done for the day.
I have another routine that I do daily, have been doing in for some time now. This is for my private writing. I wake up and the first thing I do is write whatever it is that crosses my mind. This is called morning pages, you can read about it here.
When I am out and I don’t have my laptop with me, I use my iPhone to write a summary of what I want to write and when I do get back home, I finish it. This is applicable for both public and private writing(s). More about this here.
I did love to try the standing desk and see if that’s something I can do.