I am starting a small project this Sunday. It's about answering an author's poetry, and perceptions with poetry. Answers, in poetry, to her questions, in poetry, of love.

BY indefiniteloop

We’re made in reflection of the Universes we’re born, and bred in. Each one of us has two or maybe more sides to us. And this, the fact of having, and harboring duplicity or multiplicity (some may even consider this as hypocrisy) is a derivative derived from our great mother of evolution itself. It is derived from nature itself. So, it’s not too far fetched to further assert that each one of us is as destructive as we’re creative; we only have to look back into our past as a species to find that we’re imbued with both of those traits.

Having destroyed much, I find myself wearing the creators hat. And, owning to self imposed constraints, it’s just efficient, time prevailing, and easy to create with words; to express with them, and flesh out plans to create more. The relevancy of any further creation, except for sentences making posts or stanzas here on this blog, is irrelevant. What matters is act of writing as a form of creation. That’s why this post, and all the others too.

Having said that, not too long ago a beautiful looking book, full of poetry was offered to me for a read. I immediately borrowed it, because it had an equally beautiful name to it – Lullabies. After reading the introduction written by the author, I felt goosebumps all over hands; all of them rising, in agreement, and in resonance with what was written in those one, and half pages.

But, as I started reading the pages that offered poetry, I gradually started feeling depressed. I stopped reading the book. Because I didn’t or couldn’t find myself eye to eye with what the author had penned down. All of it, is a version of love. Lost love. Lost love that’s made to become the premise, plot, and conclusion of almost every poem that I read before I kept the book down.

I decided to finish the book. But, I also decided to take it up as a project of sorts – a project of my own creation. I thought of viewing, and reading each of the poems, and verses within this book as questions. Questions that I could answer in poetry.

Starting this coming Sunday, I’ll be posting answers to the authors writ; answers, as poetry. Do keep an eye on the poem category.

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